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Here at Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy we we believe that a quality Mathematics curriculum should ensure that ability within Mathematics is not fixed.

Mathematics vision: 

It is our intent that all pupils: 

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so they develop conceptual understanding and are able to apply skills and knowledge rapidly and accurately. (Do it) 

  • Are able to reason mathematically by applying the concept to unfamiliar contexts, able to justify their reasoning using accurate mathematical vocabulary. (Deepen it) 

  • Can solve problems by applying their knowledge to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication including real life scenarios and unfamiliar contexts. (Secure it) 

  • Learn from mistakes and enjoy mathematics, believe and achieve. 


Curriculum delivery: 

Mathematics at Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy is delivered through the scheme CanDo. In Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) children receive two mathematics lessons daily, one main input based on the Can Do scheme and one 20 minute fluency based lesson (White Rose Fluency Bee). Reception have one lesson daily based on a combination of Can Do and NCETM Mastery of Number. 

All mathematics lessons across the school are based on a hookI do (teach it), We  do (practice it), You do (do it) structure. The children who are confident with the concepts taught are moved onto the Secure It questions, these are challenge based questions focusing on 'what it is not'. After the Secure It questions children will be moved onto Deepen It questions enable children to apply their learning to solve problems. 


What can you do at home to support your child? 

  • Look for everyday opportunities to practice counting, addition, subtraction and identifying 2D and 3D shapes. 
  • Have a positive attitude towards mathematics and adopt a 'Can Do' attitude.
  • Help your child to complete their homework.
  • Each child in school has access to the app Numbots and children are expected to complete at least 15 minutes on Numbots each week at home to build their number and place value skills and quick recall of addition and subtraction facts, the child from each class who spends the most time on Numbots each week will be awarded a certificate in Celebration Assembly 

For further information or support, please ask your child's teacher or send a query to the school office. 


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