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Our school day begins at 8 45am and finishes at 3pm - 31 hours and 15 minutes a week

The School Day



School starts at 8.45am when the classroom doors are opened.

Parents or adults accompany reception children into school and are encouraged to help the child choose lunch, change the individual reading book with the child and settle the child into school before leaving. Children in Years 1 and 2 are taken to the classroom door where a member of the classroom staff greets them. Classroom doors are locked at 9.00am. Children arriving after this time need to be brought into school through the front entrance so that the adult accompanying them can sign the child in. This ensures that we have an accurate record of all children who are at school at any particular time.


Breakfast sessions

A healthy breakfast is provided in the school hall from 8.00am every day. Children are supervised by school staff and go to their classrooms at 8.45am. Children must arrive before 8.30am. From 8.30am we now have our free Breakfast Bagel Club, children can arrive from 8.30 until 8.40, in the main hall.


Water and morning fruit

Children have access to water throughout the day. Every child is given a piece of fruit mid morning.



Children can choose from our menu of a hot meal ( meat or vegetarian) jacket potato or Panini, and a range of sandwiches daily.  Unless there is a medical reason, we do not allow lunch boxes from home.


School Midday Meal

Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy employs its own catering staff and meals are cooked on site from quality raw ingredients.

We are committed to providing children with healthy meal options. Meat and vegetables are sourced locally. Ready/ frozen meals are not served. There is always at least one vegetarian and one meat based meal choice., except Mondays which are 'meat free'.

Menus are on the website, displayed in cloakrooms and are available from the school office.

Children are provided with filtered water at lunchtime.


Free School Meal Entitlement

Every child is entitled to a lunch free of charge until they reach Juniors (Year 3). Some children will also be entitled to a free school meal in the Juniors, if you would like to register and check your child's eligibility please follow this link:

Apply for free school meals - Gloucestershire County Council


Special dietary requirements

Please notify the school office if your child has any medical condition affecting their dietary needs and please provide a doctors note to evidence this.


End of the Day

Children are collected from the classroom at 3.00pm. Each class has a list of adults authorised by you to pick up your child.

Please inform the class teacher or telephone the school office if the arrangements for collecting your child differ on any day. In the interests of your child’s safety we only allow your child to be collected from school by adults on the authorised list unless informed otherwise by you.

At 3.10pm the classroom doors are locked and children still on site are taken to the school office where they will be supervised until collected by an authorised adult.


A Typical Day in Foundation Stage


Classroom doors are opened. The adult accompanying the child comes into the cloakroom and helps hang up his/her coat, change the reading book, and make the lunch choice. Adults can speak briefly to the class teacher if they need to. Children must be brought into the classroom door by the adult and not left unaccompanied in the playground.


A bell rings and cloakroom doors are closed and locked indicating that the morning has officially begun. Children arriving after this time are late and come through the main entrance where they must be signed in by the adult accompanying them.

The register is taken in class.


Read Write Inc, Phonics, Small Group Work and Continuous Provision


10.30-11.30am Maths, Small Group Work and Continuous Provision
11.30-11.45 Story and getting ready for Lunch


Lunch and Playtime.

12.50pm – 3.00pm

fternoon sessions include directed activities, child led activities and on certain days indoor PE. Adults work with small groups on specific tasks.

Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy Y1 and Zebra


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.45am Doors Open Doors Open Doors Open Doors Open Doors Open
9.00am-9.15am Register/Assembly Register/Check In Register/Check In Register/Check In Register/Assembly
9.15am-9.45am Oracy Oracy Oracy Oracy Oracy
9.45am-10.30am Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
10.30am-10.50am Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break
10.50am-11.50am Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics

Maths Mastery

Maths Mastery

Maths Mastery

Maths Mastery

Maths Mastery

12.15pm-1.15pm Lunchtime Lunchtime Lunchtime Lunchtime Lunchtime


Parrot and Zebra Science

Meerkat PE and Computing


Meerkat and Parrot Topic

Singing Assembly at 2.30pm



Parrot and ZebraTopic

Meerkat Science

Community Assembly at 2.30pm



Parrot PE and Computing

Meerkat and Parrot Topic

Zebra PE and Computing

In class Assembly



Tredworth Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy Y2 

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.45am Doors Open Doors Open Doors Open Doors Open Doors Open
9.00am-9.15am Register/Assembly Register/Check-in Register/Check-in Register/Check-in Register/Assembly
9.15am-9.45am Oracy Oracy Oracy Oracy Oracy
9.45am-10.30am Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
10.30am-10.50am Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break Snack/Break
10.0am-11.50am Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics

Maths Mastery - Crocodile

Computing - Hippo

Maths Mastery Maths Mastery Maths Mastery - Hippo
Computing - Crocodile
Maths Mastery
12.15pm-1.15pm Lunchtime Lunchtime Lunchtime Lunchtime Lunchtime





Crocodile Science

Hippo PE

Singing Assembly at 2.30pm


Crocodile PE

Hippo Topic

Community Assembly at 2.30pm


Crocodile Topic and Computing

Hippo Science

In class Assembly



PE Skills at 2.00pm

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